Monday, March 21, 2011

Workout week 3/21

Okay here is week ... not sure where I'm at.  This past Friday was awesome, my first time running outside in a very long time.  I felt a sense of freedom as my feet hit the pavement and had the wind ..
However, I did have a small issue with my stomach.  Let's say I just made it home in time.
So at rate, my schedule of working out. will fluctuate, but I will try to be consistent.
Today's run was good, not the best.  But I got out there and gave it my all .  Tony Hutton states do your best and forget the rest.  Tomorrow is always another day

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Relax, Rewind, Restart

Okay, yes..I changed my blog once again-
Yes I know I say I will try to keep up and maintain this, but hey life gets the best of me and well, other things take priority.
At any rate, I took a little time off from working out.  I tried to get in a few days, but it was nothing that special, just enough to keep me active.
So what is the next step, the next step is just to keep on pushing.  Whatever it may be, push play on my exercise DVD (Slim in 6, Turbo Jam, P90x) or just hitting the pavement with my sneakers, or hitting the treadmill.
I not only want to change my body, by becoming stronger, but it would totally change the way I think and how I feel, just my whole mindset.
So cheers, it is still a new year!!